Friday, April 23, 2010

Wasting my days

Today i could of accomplished alot but...surprise surprise..i slept most of my day away. Probably making up for those three days in a row i stayed up? Sucks. I dont choose to do things like that. I just cant overcome the sleepyness yet. Had a dream regarding the shitty move my friend made the other day which is STILL eating at me...the dream was really humourous though. Yesterday was basically the same story...didnt accomplish up at 1 in the afternoon and it was gorgeous out. But the power of how tired i was took over and ruined my day. I actually need to lay down now before i start this wrist corsage for a friend...should of did it yesterday. Ugh.

One friend owes me a sum of money that was supposed to be paid in March. Its seriously eating away at me. Im going to have to start going into bitch overload by next week and starting with text blackmail...he does not want me to do this. Just sayin'.

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